Department Communication: Appointment Renewal Notification
Department Communication: Appointment Renewal Notification
RULE: 69B-211.005
Since January of, 2012, the Department has been sending email notification to appointing entities 90 days before an appointment is up for renewal. These renewals also show up in the entities eAppoint account and identify if an invalid address is on file with the state.
A second email notification is sent to the appointing entity on the first day of the renewal month informing them that they can now access the appointment(s) that need to be renewed and make payment via eAppoint.
Licensees that self-appoint will be sent a similar email notification at the same time. Renewal invoices will become available for payment on the first day of the renewal month and can be paid through the last day of the renewal month without late fees being assessed.
These reminder emails are intended to give appointing entities enough time to make modifications to their list of appointees/appointments they’ll be renewing. This process also allows for Department records to be updated when/if the appointee has an invalid address on file.
Agent Contact Information
The Department requires all Authorized Insurance Entities (Education Providers, Licensees and Agencies) to notify them within Thirty (30) Days# of any significant change to a license or business status.
Changes to a licensees professional contact information such as e-mail, phone number(s), or primary address (Home or place of business) are deemed relevant and may be updated by using the Departments online resources.