Florida Insurance


By: Jason L. Perez
Department Authorized Insurance Education Provider
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ | The Insurance School .com
iFastBroker Pre-Licensing Introduction
*You Have Insurance Career Questions? We Have Answers

If you’re not on Windows 95, you’ll notice, I’m not scared to exaggerate our keywords. The word AUTHORIZED dominates this course because, conducting the business of insurance without Authorization from the FLORIDA Department of Financial Services is a 3rd Degree FELONY. We’ll talk about those Un-Authorized industry TERRORIST a few episodes (chapters) later.
My first bit of advice is, don’t let words intimidate you. For starters, laws are nothing more than MINIMUM Standards. Obvious financial crimes are always 3rd Degree Felonies.
WHO issues Florida Insurance Agent & Broker Authorizations?
DFS | Division of Agent & Agency Services
We’ll open class wandering around the Larson Building in Tallahassee. That’s home of the #Chief Financial Officer (CFO) who heads the Department of Financial Services (DFS). After meeting our state regulators, we’ll dissect the components of an insurance contract. The rest of our time is focused on the sales process. Specifically, our responsibility to policy disclosures.
Crimes, fines, and felonies are only a small part of our insurance careers.
Let’s continue oversimplifying things…
Where are my txt savvy locals?
We’re not jumping into start a weird conversation with eggplants and goat emojis. I’m trying to gauge where you are with basic stuff like “HMU” à That’s millennial for *Hit Me Up… I refuse to speak Gen Z. On Flip side… If you were born before 1960, *Hit Me Up means “Pick up the phone and call me and if I don’t answer… Leave a message.”

* ORANGE content markers are meant to act like traffic signs. Their goal is to make it hard for us to overlook relevant keywords (AND) concepts.

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